Our mission at Common Thread Farm is to produce healthy food for our community using sustainable growing methods, provide opportunities for people to connect with the land and their community, and contribute to larger efforts towards a just and sustainable food system.

Common Thread Farm

3424 Lake Moraine Road, Madison, NY 13402



Our Values:

  • We value the Earth and strive to work with and to the benefit of its ecosystems in growing food.
  • Food and farms connect people to the land and to each other.  It is important for people to have opportunities to experience those connections: to know and love the land that sustains them, and to come together as a community, in work and in celebration, around food and land.
  • We value a local and regional food system for its many benefits. These include the health benefits of fresh, minimally processed food; conservation of farmland and open space; transparency, accountability and community connections; and contribution to the self-sustainability of the regional economy.
  • We care about food justice, including fair wages for farm workers and access to healthy food for people of all income levels.
  • We value our relationships with family, co-workers, friends, and farm participants and seek honesty, open communication, inclusiveness, and trust.

We use sustainable growing practices. We prioritize soil health, using a permanent raised bed tillage system and planting about a third of the farm to cover crops each year.  We do not use synthetic pesticides or fertilizers, GMOs, irradiation, or sewage sludge. If you have questions about our growing methods, we are happy to answer them.

We respectfully acknowledge the Oneida People, who have stewarded this land throughout the generations.

What is CSA?

Know where your food comes from:

Eat fresh, seasonal food from a local farm!

Community Supported Agriculture is a partnership of mutual commitment between farmers and a community of supporters. CSA shareholders commit to support the farm throughout the season, joining the farmer in assuming both the risks and the bounty of growing food. The farm provides, to the best of its ability, a “CSA share,” a generous supply of fresh produce throughout the growing season.

Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) is a model of agriculture that fosters a direct relationship between the farmer and the community. CSA promotes fair prices for both the farmer and the members by eliminating the “middleman.”

Members of the community purchase a ‘share’ of the farm’s annual harvest before the growing season. Shareholders then visit the farm or another pick up site weekly to pick up their share of that week’s harvest of fresh, high quality produce.

The CSA model, in which members commit to support the farm for the growing season, provides the farmer with the financial stability necessary to operate in a sustainable way. At the same time, it offers farm members the opportunity to have a direct relationship with the farmers who grow their food, and to have access to fresh, seasonal food that will support their health.
