
What’s In for Pick Your Own for CSA Members

Members with delivered shares who don’t pick weekly can pick double the limits when they come out to the farm for pick your own

Raspberries!  Small shares pick a half pint, Standard a pint, and large 1.5 pints and more at times other than Tuesday (all day) and Saturday mornings for an extra fee. The raspberries are a bit of a walk past the barn and compost piles. Please take care not to step in a woodchuck hole.

Blueberries!  Small shares pick a half pint, standard shares 1 pint, large 1.5 pints and more at times other than Tuesday (all day) and Saturday for an extra fee.  They are past the barn, through the gate and on the right.

Herbs –  Clip a handful each of Sage, Peppermint, Spearmint, Oregano, Thyme, Dill, Cilantro and Parsley

Sweet basil, Thai basil and Tulsi basil.  – Please use clippers to cut off stems leaving growing tips so that the plant can regrow. Help yourself, there’s plenty.

Early and Main Season Flowers – Help yourself to a bouquet.  Please use clippers and pick so that more flowers will come.

Edible flowers – Take a handful.  We have pansies, johnny jump ups, calendula

Green beans – 1 quart/small share, 2 quart per standard share, 3 quarts per large share.

Cherry tomatoes and tomatillos – Just starting, half pint per small share, 1 pint per standard share, 1.5 pints per large share (large shares are on farm only)

Picking extra: If the berries aren’t picked out when it isn’t on farm distribution (Saturday afternoon through Monday and Wednesdays through Fridays) members are welcome to pick extra at $2.50/pint, adding their their amount due to the extra veggies clipboard under the distribution tent or emailing the farm and we’ll add it to your farm account.  We are also open to member picking extra of other crops when we have plenty to spare – please email us for the availability and cost of extra pick your own items if you would like to pick extra.

Pick-Your-Own crops are included as part of your share! They are available to pick any day of the week during daylight hours. Check the box to the left to see what is available. When you come to the farm, you can check the picking locations and weekly limits on the brown-and-yellow sign near the distribution tent. Containers and clippers are provided, though you may bring your own if you wish.

Each year we offer an abundance of Pick-Your-Own (PYO) crops at the farm. Most of your share will be harvested and washed for you to pick up at the farm or in your delivered box. However, shares also include PYO crops to give farm members the opportunity to get out in the field and pick items like flowers, beans, peas, herbs, and more.

Whether you pick up your share here at the farm or have a delivered box share, we encourage all members to come and enjoy the farm!

PYO crops will vary with the season.
Here are PYO crops you can enjoy during the season:

  • Sugar snap and snow peas
  • Green, wax and purple beans
  • Raspberries
  • Cherry tomatoes
  • Tomatillos
  • Flowers, an array of fragrant and colorful varieties
  • Basil, Sweet, thai and sacred
  • Dill and Cilantro
  • Parsley
  • Perennial herbs: Oregano, Thyme, Sage, Chives, Peppermint and more
  • Hot Peppers
  • Edible flowers
  • Edamame (edible soybeans)